Regime Change Begins at Home – Exhibition POSTPONED

Sadly the our photo exhibition ‘Regime Change Starts At Home’ WON’T happen this weekend.

Broadway Cinema continues to be closed at this time as they are working to resolve a nasty tech issue and we have arranged to postpone the exhibition till later in the year (dates TBC soon).

Apologies to all, and thank everyone at Broadway Cinema so much for their generous support with this project, so very sorry they have to deal with this tech-nightmare, even more while it’s perfect cinema weather.

Broadway is an amazing place and we urge you all to support them however you can. As soon as they reopen go to see films, take part in film courses, eat and drink!

Please keep an eye out for the new dates.

Our new free Guided History Walk is STILL ON this Sun 16/07 2pm Left Lion!

Hope to see you there, watch out for Flying Faux Custard Pies. No need to register, just turn up.

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